Certificate Programs


Associate of Arts in Cree Language

NASX 214 Cree Writing I
NASX 215 Cree Writing II
NASX 105 Cree Language II
NASX 106 Cree Language III
NASX 108 Cree Language IV
NASX 107 Cree Language Lab I
NASX 109 Cree Language Lab I
NASX 290 Cree Language Capstone
EDU 210 Language Acquisition Theory and Practice
Program Elections
NASX 100 Cree Language I ** Will be taken as part of the General Ed requirements.
Native American Studies Ed Plan


ART 110 Art Appreciation
ART 120 Introduction to drawing or Art 121 Introduction to Painting
BUS 150 Introduction to Marketing
ART 175 Graphic Design
ART 231 Graphic Design
ART 216 Tanning Hides
ART155 Tipi Making
ART160 Matt Making
ART 268 Creating in Leather and Hide
ART 274 Clothing and Regalia
ART 220 Introduction to Native American Jewelry
ART 250 Beading II
ART201 Native American Art History
ART 290 Art Capstone


ART 110 Art Appreciation
ART 120绘画入门或ART 121绘画入门
BUS 150 Introduction to Marketing
ART 175 Native American Crafts
ART 231 Graphic Design
Native Art Elective

Accounting/Information Management

1 Year Certificate
Designed to meet the demands of the modern business office, 该证书使学生能够在典型的办公室环境中更好地管理信息,并成为会计过程中不可或缺的一部分
Students will:
1. 具备适当的基本商业原则知识.
2. Apply basic generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).
3. Apply basic computerized accounting skills.
4. Demonstrate application of fundamental business math skills.
5. 展示在商业会计环境中使用的适当水平的技术技能.
Program Sheet
Gainful Employment 
Information Management Ed Plan
Accounting Ed Plan
Office Management Ed Plan
General Business Ed Plan

Building Trades

2 Year Certificate
建筑工学系为学生提供全面的木工教育. 该项目旨在满足对有经验的木匠建造部落住房和其他商业建筑的日益增长的需求. In addition to specific carpentry skills, students will gain proficiency in such areas as the work ethic, job application and basic education skills.
Students will:
1. 学习正确的使用和操作设备的安全程序. 
2. 运用计算机辅助制图软件的基本技能. 
3. Demonstrate carpentry skills required to: a. Frame floors, walls and roofing 
4. Demonstrate carpentry skills required to: a. Apply roof shingles and siding 
5. 运用数学和代数技能完成基本的建设项目.
 Program Sheet
Gainful Employment 
Building Trades Ed Plan


1 Year Certificate
In order to meet the evolving field of engineering and construction, AG亚游集团官方网站APP提供为期一年的工程预科助学金认证项目. 该学院认为,未来的工程师将继续依靠基础工程科学和当代计算工具来指导他们的选择. 本课程强调工程科学、设计和应用的严谨性. 该计划将为学生在工程行业的专业实践做好准备. 
Students will: 
1. Use computer aided drafting software. 
2. Perform survey work including
– layout
– topographical leveling
– differential leveling
– transfer of elevations from one benchmark location to another 
3. 解决需要三角学和微积分才能解决的问题 
4. Apply fundamental physics laws and concepts.
Program Sheet
Gainful Employment
Pre-Engineering Ed Plan
1. Use computer aided drafting software.  2. Perform survey work including a. layout b. topographical leveling c. differential leveling d. transfer of elevations from one benchmark location to another  3. 解决需要三角学和微积分才能解决的问题. Apply fundamental physics laws and concepts.

Information Systems

2 Year Certificate
Needs revision
Students will: 
1. Develop skills in written and oral communication. 
2. 在沟通和客户服务方面发展必要的技能. 
3. 培养在客户服务或酒店的初级岗位上工作所必需的技能, including positions in retail, hotel, and gaming industries.
Program Sheet
Gainful Employment
Information Systems Ed Plan
Liberal Arts Ed Plan
Math Ed Plan


Pre-Nursing – 1 Year
护理预科证书课程旨在为那些计划转到蒙大拿州立大学北方分校攻读护理副学士学位或学士学位课程的学生提供护理预科领域的基础教育. In this certificate program, 学生将特别关注护理领域和营养学的通识教育和基础知识. 该证书课程的毕业生将被转移到密歇根州立大学北方分校的护理预科课程. 美国原住民的传统知识将被整合到课程中. 
Students will:
1. Discuss the concepts of nursing as a profession. 
2. Define the identified roles and functions of the nurse. 
3. Utilize the Code of Ethics, Standards of Clinical Nursing Practice, 和专业实践标准,以确定解决道德问题的方法. 
4. Discuss verbal and nonverbal communication. 
5. Develop a personal wellness care plan using the nursing process.
Program sheet
Gainful employment
CNA Ed Plan

Rural Health

农村公共卫生证书旨在让学生有机会在部落大学环境中探索土著社区问题. 这个项目的目标是教育学生使用传统和西方的方法来治疗个人和社区.
Students will: 
1. 探索代际创伤及其对土著个人和土著社区的影响.
2. examine Native Cree practices to heal individuals.
3. 学习与农村土著社区合作和治疗的传统克里族人做法.
4. practice western skills of communication and counseling.
5. 了解案例管理在预订设置中的重要性.
WRIT101: College Writing (3 credits)
HPE 115: First Aid & CPR (2 credits)
HS 172: Multicultural Issuesin Rural Communitites (3 credits)
HS 270: Professional Behavior, Ethics & Case Management (3 credits) 
HS285: Behavioral Health Facilitator Training (2 credits)
NAS 281: Bishkanewin Ishkode个人历史创伤愈合(3学分)
NAS 283: Bishkanewin Ishkode Healingthe Community (3 Credits)
PSYX 106: Applied Psychology (3 credits)
COMX 111: Public Speaking (3 Credits)
Program Sheet
Gainful Employment
Historic Trauma Ed Plan
Peer Mentoring Ed Plan
Rural Public Health Ed Plan
Addiction Studies Ed Plan
Allied Health Ed Plan
General Science Ed Plan

Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education (K-8)

Spring: The season of birth and beginnings
Summer: The season for developing cognitively
Fall: The season for emotional growth and deeper understanding
Winter: The season for reflection with a desire to understand
Related Links: 
Required Courses and Degree Plan  
Northwest Letter of Approval 
Supervising Teacher Handbook Updated January 2019
SCC Teacher Candidate Handbook Updated January 2019
Assessment Plan
SCC Teacher Education Preliminary Data Analysis Report
Application to Graduate (pdf) | Application to Graduate (Word)
这张SCC概念框架的示意图是基于我们教育部门的四个领域,通过一个克里医学轮的文化镜头. 之所以选择这个药轮,是因为它对四个方向和季节的描述与SCC教师教育项目的四个领域相关且适用. 领域1是关于关注学习者,这是所有学习的开始. For the Cree medicine wheel, 这个季节代表春天和出生,以及一个人与物质空间的AG亚游集团官方网站APP. 领域1还涉及为所有学习者提供最好的学习支持所需的身体和情感环境. 领域2确保教师候选人拥有有效教学所需的内容知识. 克里医学轮认为这个夏天是认知成长和发展心智能力的时候. Domain 3为教师候选人提供了多种发展教学技能的机会,并确保他们能够利用各种教学和评估技能来满足每个学习者的需求. The Cree medicine wheel describes this season, fall, 这是情感成长的时间,也是加深理解的时间. 领域4的要素与候选人的专业发展和领导技能有关. 专业成长的一个重要方面是能够反思自己的实践,并利用这种反思来提高自己的技能. 克里医学轮的冬季是基于反思和理解的愿望.